News & Events

New for 2021,- pedigree calf classes at LiveScot held at Lanark Auction mart on Friday 26th November.

The Scottish Fatstock Club has announced classes for the new Pedigree Calf Section which will include Galloway breed classes. There will be four classes to include Bull and heifer born between 1st July 2020 and 31st December 2020 and Bull and Heifer born after 1st of January 2021 at this popular winter event. The Galloway Cattle Society is delighted to inform members all entries for these new classes will be included in the Society’s show grant fund.

Exhibitors are also reminded about the Galloways steer class and the special prize of £250 if a Galloway secures the Native Champion donated by the Galloway Cattle Society and the Galloway Cattle Young Handlers Classes for anyone under 26 years of age exhibiting a Galloway.

Entries close on the 8th October, 2021 and full details, schedule and entry form can be found at