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Mr Andrew Waugh, Kilnstown, Bewcastle, Carlisle has been appointed Chairman of the Galloway Cattle Society at the recent AGM. 

Andrew’s family has a long tradition with Galloways, as the Galloway herd at Kilnstown was founded by Andrew’s great, great Grandfather's brother, John Noble in 1879.  Today, Andrew and his family,  carries on the tradition by having a  Galloway herd  which extends to around 50 breeding animals, he also has 40 Salers X Galloway's and 40 Limousin x Salers x Galloway's.  Andrew has had many successes in the show ring, as his breeding has secured many of the top Fatstock championships.

The farm extends to 1000 acres, including Park Farm. They also have 1000 Swaledale ewes, 200 of these bred pure, the remainder being crossed with the Blue Faced Leicester. From these they sell approximately 650 Mule ewe lambs per year. They also have a small flock of 20 pedigree Blue Faced Leicesters.

Mr Waugh paid tribute to the outgoing Chairman   Mr Drew Brown of Drumumphry, Corsock   “We are indeed indebt to Andrew for all his hard work, dedication and enthusiasm for the breed”

Commenting on his appointment Mr Waugh said, “ It is a great honour to be appointed Chairman of one of our oldest native breeds and I look forward to continuing the success of the Breed and the Society”

The Society also has a new Vice Chairman and Junior Vice Chairman,  Mr Scott McKinnon was appointed Vice Chairman,  Scott is farm manager at the noted Klondyke herd. The 3,600-acre farming operation is part of the Klondyke Group which was established by the late Bob Gault and his wife Dorothy.    The pure herd of Galloways has been steadily built up over the years and now stands at  100 head.  There is also over 500 head of suckler cows, with nearly half of them being  Galloway cross. 

Mr McKinnon explained “ I am looking forward to taking the breed forward, especially working with the young members, which a new group has been formed to encourage them.”

Mr John Finlay, Blackcraig, Corsock was appointed Junior Vice Chairman, Mr Finlay who farms the1800 acre hill farm with his wife Ann, and son Iain has many successes in the show and sale ring under the Blackcraig prefix.  They  also enjoy much success with the 700 flock of Blackface Sheep.