News & Events
New Chairman of the Galloway Cattle Society is well known Borders farmer, Mr Alan McClymont, Kirkstead, Yarrow, Selkirk, with Mr Peter Hunter Blair, Nether Cleugh, Dalry being elected as Vice Chairman.
Alan, his wife Hilary and two sons, Sam (16) and Oliver (15) have farmed Kirkstead since 1967 and have contract farmed the neighbouring farm, Dryhope for the last 13 years. The family have 2000 Blackface ewes, 30 traditional Blueface Leicesters and 50 Pure Galloway cows which they hope to increase to 70 or 80 head in the next few years.
“I am honoured and privileged to have been elected chairman of the GCS especially in these exciting times for the breed. Over the past few years, the Society have engaged in more promotional work and this is bearing fruit, increased demand and averages, new members and exciting plans in place to grow demand for Galloway Beef across the UK” explained Mr McClymont
The Society’s new Vice Chairman is Mr Peter Hunter Blair of the Nether Cleugh herd which is based on the 150 acres hill farm, on the banks of Carsfad Loch, between Dalry, Carsphairn. Peter farms with his wife Nancy and their three children, Natasha, Duncan and Andrew. The family have 25 Galloways and their followers, which are out wintered with surplus heifers and bulls sold for breeding at Society sales.
Robert McTurk, Barlaes, Dalry was elected Junior Vice Chairman. Robert runs the Barlaes herd, which is one of the oldest herds and can be traced back to the first entry in the Society’s herd book with his wife Louise and their three sons, 21 year old David, 23 year old Peter and Willam 25. The family’s 80 head of Galloways and 1500 Blackface ewes run between 3500 acres of Barlaes, Glenhowl and Lorg.