News & Events

Borthwickshiels Open Afternoon - 28th September, 2023

By kind invitation of Stewart and Katherine McIntosh.

A very enjoyable afternoon was spent by 80 members and friends who attended the  open afternoon at Borthwickshiels, the home of Stewart and Katherine McIntosh and their daughters Grace and Sarah. The McIntosh family, who relocated from Outer Huntly, Ashkirk, to Borthwickshiels in Roberton on the outskirts of Hawick in 2018, brought with them their Huntly herd of Galloways with long-established bloodlines, which they manage alongside their flock of Lanark type Blackfaces and the farm's flock of Hill type North Country Cheviots which they took on.



Activities: The afternoon was filled with various activities and demonstrations, including:

Cattle Clipping Demonstration: The event featured a cattle dressing demonstration, where onlookers had the opportunity to witness the grooming and preparation of a Galloway heifer for a show or sale. Master stockmen Dennis Gall and John Graham showcased their expertise in cattle grooming, answering questions from the audience.

Farm Tour: While the Galloway heifer was being groomed, attendees were treated to a farm tour. Tractors and trailers ferried visitors to inspect the low-input herd of 100 purebred Galloway cows. These cows are known for living outside year-round and calving on the hill at elevations of up to 1,300 feet above sea level. Additionally, they had the chance to see followers and Beef Shorthorn cross Galloway and Limousin calves, along with impressive bullocks intended for the Galloway Beef project at the end of October.

Stock Judging Competition: Throughout the afternoon, a stock judging competition took place. Attendees were presented with Galloways, Galloway crosses, Blackie, Cheviot, and Kerry Hill sheep to test their skills in judging the livestock.

Prize Winners: Congratulations to the prize winners of the stockjudging competition.
1st - John Tullie (255)
2nd - Gavin Vevers (253)
3rd Equal - Scott McKinnon and Wull McClymont (250)

1st - Anne Blaney (241)
2nd - Carolyn Logan (238) 
3rd - Kirsty Turnbull (235)

Under 16 years.
1st - James Irving (166)
2nd - Katie Irving (161)
3rd - Grace McIntosh (137)

The afternoon was finished with a Galloway Beef Burgers from  Briggsy's Quality Butchers, Jedburgh and a vote of thanks from our Chairman Mr Peter Hunter Blair.

A very special thank you to our sponsors for which the afternoon could not have happened and of course to Stewart and Katherine who very kindly agreed to host this very enjoyable afternoon. 

In summary, the Borthwickshiels Open Afternoon was a fantastic  event that showcased the McIntosh family's farming operations and provided attendees with the opportunity to learn about and interact with various livestock. It also featured informative cattle dressing demonstration and a stock judging competition, making it a memorable day for all who participated.  

Davidson Brothers (Shotts) Ltd
Gray Street, Shotts ML7 5EZ

Thomas Sherriff & Co Ltd - Your Official John Deere Dealer
Backburn, Letham Road, Haddington, East Lothian, Eh41 4NN


Newtown St, Boswells Branch
Livestock Market, Newtown St Boswells, Melrose, TD6 0PP


New Market Street, Castle Douglas.


Quadcare, Oxton, Lauder, Berwickshire, TD2 6PG


2 Rose Bank Road, Hawick, TD2 0DF